
Giving Unique Value Instead of Added Value to Clients
By Leanne Crain

Do you know the rule of 1%? Jan Carlzon, past President of Scandinavian Airlines, devised the Rule of 1%. When Carlzon took over the Scandinavian Airlines in 1980, he inherited a financially troubled company in a slumping industry. After extreme consultation with the airline staff he developed a strategy that would propel the airline, by the mid-eighties, to the top performer in the world in virtually every aspect of business. Among Carlzon’s strategies was The Rule of 1%. Carlzon realized that,

“In order to succeed in business and differentiate yourself from competitors, you do not have to be 1000% better at one thing; you have to be 1% better at 1000 things!”

Think for a moment about what you offer to clients. Can you think of things you could improve by just 1%? I bet you can! 1% is not a menacing number at all, and should be quite achievable. With a little brainstorming you can come up with ways to make things just 1% better.

Now, we all know we want to give our clients the best value we can. Often when we focus on this 1%, we start thinking of ways to add value to clients, and usually there is a price tag attached. My challenge to you is, rather than adding monetary value, what can you do instead that would add UNIQUE value? Giving clients more value – raise up that 1% - need not cost you profits you feel you cannot afford to give away right now. By coming up with unique ideas, and letting your influential leadership shine through, you can empower your team to take the expected service to a higher level. Rather than encouraging your team to work harder, or give more than they are already giving, why not use a proven technique like Disney uses and tell them instead to pleasantly surprise clients, or “be so nice to them they can’t believe it”. Persuade your team to be imaginative and creative and think of ways to put a big smile on your client’s faces. When you create your plan, take some time and ensure that everything you are going to begin doing, are also things you will be able to consistently do.

As a leader, remember that you have the ability to influence your team. By being genuine and by participating in the same way you expect the rest of the team to participate. Keep in mind that your team listens to your words, but mostly they watch what you do to see what behaviour you are modelling. If they see that you are “walking the walk” they will jump on board as well. Your job is to be authentic, and spread the attitude you are expecting others on your team to adopt. When you come up with those things you can improve by 1%, make sure you are the first one to jump onboard and make it happen.

For more information on Influential Leadership, please join us for our webinar on July 9th, 2009, or, for information on our training programs regarding leadership and customer service, contact Gary Gzik at

Leanne Crain is a Marketing Assistant for BizXcel. Her background is marketing and tourism, and she has over 12 years experience in the sales and marketing field.

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