
Remembering to Say Thank You!
By Martha Whittle

YIn the world of coaching and consulting, we all know how important it is to get out and build relationships with others. Whether we attend networking gigs, meet up with old friends or our current clients spread the word for us - those relationships that we encounter are important. From the moment we meet to the moment we do business, we are always ready to dazzle them. And, for those that we don't do business with, sometimes the simple referrals they pass on are just as important. So, if we value the people around us so much, to a point that we are constantly making our relationships better, why not pass on a simple thank you?

If there's one thing in marketing that is very important, it's 'word-of-mouth' marketing. Besides being the cheapest marketing out there, it's also the most credible. People who trust you and adore your services, will tell others. They put time into bragging about how well you do, how many clients have walked away satisfied and how you've earned top entrepreneur in your town that year. They hold the truth to who you truly are and what you mean to them. But, have you ever thought of rewarding them in return? It's time we recognized all they have done for us and pass on a simple thank you. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Thank You Cards. It may be old-fashioned, but thank you cards outweigh a personal email any day. Anyone can send an email but how many people still send a card? Think of how you feel when someone has taken a moment out of their day to say thank you to you. Here at BizXcel, we lean on Send Out Cards for our thank you needs. Not only can you send a simple thank you, they also have options of adding gifts. So when you discover that a current client just referred their best friend, why not send over a thank you attached to some brownies? Go ahead and try "send out cards" today - your first cards are on us - Free. Just click here to get started:

2. Arrangements & Gift Baskets. If you recognize someone who has put that extra time into promoting your business and helping you out, go ahead and get them something special. Gift baskets and arrangements are a great way to show your appreciation for all of their hard work. If you're stuck on what to buy them, my personal favourite is Edible Arrangements.

3. Gift Cards. When a client has continued to refer your services, but you don't want to get too personal, why not try sending over a gift card? Again, "Send Out Cards" offers gift cards, or you can check with your local stores.

4. Lunch. Sometimes it's nice to step up and beyond with our thank you. Lunch is a perfect opportunity to express your appreciation, but also an opportunity to build the relationship. If you choose to say thank you with a lunch, try and learn more about the person - maybe they have a business you can also promote. Also, don't be afraid to share what is new for you and offer them a few business cards to pass along. Where you go for lunch, I'll leave that one up to you!

Remember saying thank you is a way of showing you care. When you hear that someone has referred you, show them that you appreciate them passing the business on. A simple thank you takes five minutes of your time. We know that 'Word-of-Mouth' marketing is one of the best ways to market your business, but don't trust it to happen on its own. Take a moment to ask your clients if anyone referred them, make a note, and let those people know you value what they have done for you. At the end of the day, remember to say Thank You.

For more, please contact Gary Gzik at

Martha Whittle is a Marketing Assistant for the business consulting company BizXcel. She has past work experience in the accounting and marketing fields. More recently, she has expanded her marketing background to include internet marketing, graphic design and Illustrator.

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