
Owning a Business and a Positive Attitude – Is It Possible?
By Gary Gzik

Becoming a positive person can have an enormous impact on your business. Many of us have the desire to be positive, but it is all too easy to get caught up in the havoc of our daily lives and show negativity under stress. It takes a firm commitment towards being positive and the realization that it does take time to change any old behaviors. There may be times when you show negativity in your work or you slip with a client, but the key is realizing what has been done and refocusing the situation before it gets any worse.

There are several different things that you can do to maintain a positive attitude, even when times are hard and you’re feeling the stress of owning your own business.

Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

I know you’re probably thinking that you own a coaching or consulting business, and you’re probably a one man show – so how can you have any negative influences surrounding you? Easy. Each and every day, you are making contact with clients, networks, and more, not to mention your family and friends who help you get your day started. It only take a few minutes of being in contact with someone who is negative, that you will find yourself being pulled into a negative spiral too. Your whole day may be shot after just a short time with this person – resulting in fewer results and progress on a whole. What we don’t realize is that negativity breeds negativity and it fosters discontent. It’s important to step back and take a good look at the people you are interacting with throughout the day – do they make you feel good about your business and where you are going, or do they constantly remind you of possibilities of failing?

If you want to maintain a positive attitude throughout your day, you need to stay focused on your positive attitude. At times, it may be impossible to avoid those who are negative because they are an asset to your business, the key is to try and help them stay positive and on track by encouraging positive conversation and not falling into their negative trap. For you, it is going to be harder to surround yourself with positive people, because you are likely running a one man show. So, for you it may mean surrounding yourself with positive and inspirational pictures, quotes and other items that will help you stay on track. Chances are, once you learn how to steer negative people towards a more positive approach and conversation, you’ll notice how much happier and ambitious you will be. If you find there are still those who won’t bite at your negative approach, you may need to find a way to reduce the time you are doing business with them.

Smile More

It sounds very simple, and so it can be, as smiling more is one of the main secrets to maintaining a positive attitude. What most of us might not realize is that smiling releases endorphins which boost your mood. Sitting at an office desk all day doesn’t make it easy to smile. But, it all starts with a commitment. Tell yourself you will smile at least ten times a day to start and then move that number forward as it gets easier. When you talk to someone on the phone – smile. What some people don’t realize is that most people can tell when we are smiling on the other end of the telephone, making for a more pleasant and positive conversation. When you do meet up with clients and networks, make sure to tote your smile along with you. Not only will you appear more positive, but people will also be naturally attracted to you and find themselves wanting to meet you or move forward with doing business with you.

Let it Go

The business life is hard. We face daily threats, we have unsuccessful clients, we approach financial risks and we continue to be overwhelmed with challenges. When times get hard, we can become angry and resentful at the situations we face. The key is to hold your head high and put your best foot forward. Nobody said being a coach or consultant would be easy – but you need to remember why you chose this path in the first place. Whether you have a bad experience with a client, face a setback as you take a leap of faith, or find yourself ending any situation unsuccessfully, remember it is a learning curve. You need to pick yourself back up and reflect on where things went wrong. Instead of letting those old negative behaviors take over, just let it go. Try not to take things personally and don’t regret the choices you have made. By letting things go and remembering that every day you will be faced with challenges, struggles and opportunities to learn and grow – you can take advantage of those situations and stay positive and true to yourself no matter what the outcomes.

Keep Practicing

They say practice makes perfect and that is particularly true when it comes to maintaining a positive attitude. It's simply a matter of creating a new habit, a new pattern that is positive and then practicing it every day. Before long, being positive will become second nature. While we can't be positive all the time, we can make a commitment to be positive most of the time. In the end, owning a business and positive attitude shouldn’t be a question of possibility, it should merely be implied that they come hand in hand.

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Gary Gzik is a Corporate Trainer and CEO of the business consulting company BizXcel, Inc. which owns and operates The CFBE Network and Getting to Someday. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, Getting to Someday is a place where people go to achieve their goals and dreams. Whether your goals are business related or personal, the information Gary provides rings true for both.

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