
You Hear Them, But Do You Listen?
By Leanne Crain

Would you like to know one of the best secret tricks of improving your leadership ability, customer service and your overall business performance?


I don't mean hearing, I mean listening. And I will admit, I personally have to remind myself to listen, it is a technique I still try to achieve even today. I am a far more enthusiastic talker, which is usually the case with most poor listeners. A wise woman once passed on this great advice to me "you have 2 ears and one mouth, use them proportionately."

You need to think strategically about listening, and practice your listening skills. Expressing your feelings and expectations is only a portion of communicating effectively; to be able to really communicate well, learn to "listen" to others.

Many good things come from simple skilful listening. Customers will start to trust you more. They will feel like you understand them and that you are looking out for their best interests. Employees will be more contented at work, and your leadership becomes more powerful.

So where do you start? Here are some of the basics:

  • Look at the person who is speaking.
  • Repeat what the person has said back to them, rephrase it to make sure you understand.
  • Once you think you understand, question them about it to clarify it even further - but don't make it sound like an inquisition when you do it.
  • Don't rush the speaker.
  • Mirror their body language.
  • While you are listening, acknowledge it with a simple head nod, a smile, or a frown or short verbal phrases like "right", "yes", "I see".
  • Concentrate on what the speaker is saying and don't interrupt.
  • Even if you don't agree, keep control of your emotions.
  • Do not change the subject until the person has finished with their thoughts.
  • Summarize what you heard when they are done.

You make many important decisions every day. Today, your challenge is to make the decision to listen, and watch how everything around you improves.

To learn more about how to improve communication skills in your company, contact Gary Gzik at 613.342.2200 ext. 108 or at

Preparing for Greatness provides tips in order to improve your health and wellness at work and at home.

Leanne Crain is a Marketing and Administrative Assistant for BizXcel. Her background is marketing and tourism, and she has over 12 years experience in the sales and marketing field.

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