
Three Ways to Free PR While Helping Others
By Renée Eaton

Every business likes to be noticed and talked about, but this is even better if you can get it for free, while helping a good cause.

Through our experience, we have found that getting involved with not-for-profit organizations and events has helped our business become more recognized in our community. Often people forget that many volunteers and organizers for these groups have other jobs at companies that could be potential clients and that the people who attend the events are all possible future clients. If they see you helping these organizations that they take great pride in and doing a good job while you're at it, they may be more willing to consider you once they are back in their own job.

Here are three ways that we've recently helped not-for-profit organizations and in return have received excellent recognition for our efforts.

  1. We entered our yearly Corporate Challenge (and won if I might add) that raises money for several non-profit groups and in return had our company name and picture in three newspapers.
  2. Just last week we decorated our window for Big Brothers Big Sisters Ribfest in August and we've had more people stop and notice our business than ever before. Plus, if we win the window decorating contest, we will have our name displayed at the event for free. I think we have a good chance, see a picture of our window here.
  3. We have created web sites for non-profit organizations in return for acknowledgement at their events which often have 1000's of people attending.

So, not only do we contribute to organizations that make a difference in our community, but we receive superb recognition from it. Why don't you see what worthy causes you can contribute to in return for some great feedback?

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Renée Eaton is a Communications Specialist, researcher and writer for BizXcel Inc. and editor for Generating Greatness.

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