
Having Your Cake and Eating It Too
By Martha Whittle

Your alarm goes off. your hit SNOOZE! A couple more times of this and then maybe you will get up. It's Monday morning, off to work and you are already counting down the days until the weekend. Sound familiar. why not try getting to love what you do? Work doesn't have to be a 9:00 to 5:00 you wish never existed; you just need to learn how to work and enjoy it.

Young or old, learning or experienced. most people don't enjoy what they are doing at work, but know they need to do it. Since 3 in 10 managers and professionals work 49 or more hours a week, I think it is time we learn how to LOVE IT! Here are some areas you can focus on and what you can do!

You need to maintain good relationships with your coworkers. There is nothing worse than having to do something you don't like, but also not liking the people around you while you do it. You need to enjoy the interaction with people - this will make your day go by faster by breaking it up. Gather with passionate people, they will help you enjoy what you are doing.

You should always try and be positive with others, do not resort to gossip! If you are given a chance, help someone else with their projects, not only do you get to do something different, you get the pleasure of working with someone else. Also, take opportunities to teach someone something new - again you get interaction but also the satisfaction of knowing you taught someone something.

In order to enjoy your work more, you need a break from it. During your lunch you should try and step out for a few minutes or schedule special lunch dates. You need to revive yourself and break up the day. Use your breaks and lunches for your favorite activities - go for a walk or read a book. Go shopping during lunch, not only do you get away from the office, but now you don't have to do it after work! Try bringing your favorite meal, it will give you something to look forward to and also make you feel good when you eat it. If you're allowed to, once in a while, you should work through lunch and leave early. If the weather doesn't permit you to leave your office, browse your internet, perhaps you could plan your next vacation. Always make sure you take your break time to enjoy yourself - do not work through it!

You @ Work
No matter what, take pride in your work - you didn't work that hard for nothing! Sometimes coworkers/managers are too busy to give you the great feedback you deserve, that doesn't mean you didn't deserve it. If you despise what you do, at least look at what you are learning from it and perhaps the long-term benefit. Of course you might not have liked school, but in the long-run it did get you that degree, right? Try new challenges or learn a new skill, this allows you to break away from routine and also explore your career options.

If your position permits you to, you shouldn't take your work or any work related problems home with you. Leaving your work in the office allows you to formally break away from it and enjoy your evening away - that means leaving your email alone too! Also, don't let a customer's complaint or problem bring you down; everyone makes mistakes and chances are you probably aren't to blame. If work has really got you down, try creating a pros and cons list. Take the cons and see what you can do to make them better, take the pros and do them more often!

Your Environment
I'm sure your office walls aren't Pepto-Bismol Pink, but you surroundings might not be that interesting. That's because you need to decorate them. Surround yourself with your favorite things. Put up pictures of family and friends and decorate for the holidays. Making the environment yours will help you feel more comfortable. The things will also remind you what you have to work for.

When you are feeling bored, you should entertain yourself; no that doesn't mean you should go on Facebook or spend your afternoon on the internet, instead try bringing in your mp3 player and listening to your favorite music or a comedian. Also, allow yourself to be detached from the stress of your company. You need to SMILE! Smiling is the best medicine and it is contagious; it will make you feel better just doing it! And, at the end of the day, participate. Volunteer for fundraisers, enter office tournaments and play in the football pool. All of this will help you have fun, socialize and try new things!

Seizing the Day discusses changes at BizXcel and how we are always transforming and advancing in order to serve our clients better.

Martha Whittle is a Marketing Assistant for BizXcel. She has a Business Diploma and is currently completing her Bachelor of Management - Marketing Degree. She has past work experience in the accounting and marketing fields.

Link to Getting To Someday