
Benefits of Building A Good Work Team
By Leanne Crain

A favourite concept of mine regarding team work is as follows: Together Everyone Achieves More. How true that is. The one that hangs on our wall here is "There is no I in TEAM"

While being an individual and achieving individual goals will always be important, in the workplace it can sometimes overtake the team environment, and sometimes it becomes useful to remind ourselves just how important teamwork is.

Let's take here for example. We have an amazing team, and each individual can certainly carry their own and wow others with their talents. However, we also know that due to those individual talents, when we act as a team, our overall creativity comes shining through, and ultimately our clients benefit most.

When one team member is feeling bogged down, another is nearby to lighten the load. As you can imagine, even when we are running like crazy like we have been lately, working as a team allows us to help each other with projects, and increase our overall enjoyment and satisfaction in the workplace. There is a camaraderie here that we just wouldn't have if we didn't all make the choice to work together.

Sure, it's not as easy as it sounds. It takes work, it takes leadership, and it takes every person in the team to be on board. However, in the end you will reap the rewards, as will your entire team, and your clients. Projects will be completed faster, ideas will be flowing, and each individual will in turn reach their personal objectives more quickly and efficiently.

I think H.E. Luccock said it best - "No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it." One person on their own may indeed do a spectacular job, but to get the most awe-inspiring performance, give the individuals a guideline to follow together. Let them show their own talents, while highlighting the talents of others on the team, and you will indeed be dazzled by the success everyone achieves together.

For more ideas on developing leadership and team work, contact Gary Gzik at

Leanne Crain is a Marketing Assistant for BizXcel. Her background is marketing and tourism, and she has over 12 years experience in the sales and marketing field.

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