
Aligning With Your Values
By Leanne Crain

What motivates you to work each day? What motivates your team to do the best they can?

If you're an avid reader of our ezine, you probably know that I'm going to tell you the answer lies in the amount of "buy-in" the team members have to the company, and the team as a whole. If you think your team could use a little morale boost that you just can't seem to find - maybe it's time to have a fresh look at values.

Values are essentially your moral code of what is right and what is wrong. Let me ask you a question - could you be part of a company or a project that fundamentally does not align with the values you hold personally? If you did, how do you think that would affect you long-term?

In order to motivate people on your team, you must appeal to their personal values. If you can show them how what they are doing fits with their values, the motivation and excitement will start flowing. The majority of people would like to be part of something that aligns with their values, makes a difference in the world, and does so the "right way".

Let's try a quick exercise:

Jot down what values you personally hold

Jot down the values the company holds

Then, jot down the values you think the team holds

Have a quick look at all these lists. First, are you doing work that holds true to your personal values? For instance, if you value integrity, but act without it, it is time to re-align yourself so that you follow your personal values.

Next, what values does the company hold? Are the managers portraying these values? Do they align with your values, or go against them? How can you make changes to make things better?

Finally, have a look at the values your team holds. Do they align? Do your values and the company values represent the collective will of the team? If not, what changes could be made to improve this?

An effective leader must be highly aware of their own personal values, but also be aware of the shared values of their team. By creating shared team values, you will inspire others on your team to higher levels of motivation and loyalty. When everyone is working toward a common, worthwhile vision that reflects their values, they will work more efficiently and more willingly.

Perhaps you cannot change the whole company, but you can certainly align yourself, and you can make positive changes in the team you are a part of. Find the common values, align the team to them, and go forward with new tenacity.

For more information on leadership, please contact Gary Gzik at

Leanne Crain is a Marketing Assistant for BizXcel. Her background is marketing and tourism, and she has over 12 years experience in the sales and marketing field.

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